The Cultural Columnist

An analytical perspective to the news and experiences of the everyday

How Will I Raise My Children?


Three years ago I had been working at a kid’s summer camp as a camp counselor in Parsippany, New Jersey. I was having a bad day.

My boss called me over to his “bench” and asked me what was wrong.

I answered I was sorry for crying but I was having a bad day.

He insisted for me to tell him what was bothering me, in sort of an annoyed tone that indicated he probably didn’t take me seriously.

I didn’t want to tell him for any particular reason except I didn’t like him, and didn’t trust him with my personal problems.

That was confirmed when he said what could possibly be bothering a teenager. He added that I wasn’t a married man with two children and two jobs.

So I told him. My house had gone into foreclosure because my parents were struggling with the mortgage payments. I had to leave work early to take care of my three-year-old sister while my parents went to work. I hadn’t slept well for the past few nights because I work all-day/late-night shifts during the weekends at a catering hall and had to wake up early for this job.

That provoked some surprise, but he didn’t let go of his pride.

He insisted I shouldn’t be worrying about that stuff, because I am too young and those aren’t my problems. That those are issues my parents should be enduring and I shouldn’t be involved or burdened with them.

He went on and on how I should be focused on school work and how I shouldn’t bother myself with issues I would have enough of as I got older.

As a sixteen year old, I was somewhat confused if he was right, and I reflected on my upbringing.                                                          ____________

I had a great childhood. My wonderful mother provided me with enriching experiences that nourishes the childhood mind: such as trips to parks as well as other countries. She read me many books and involved me in activities and took us to parties and allowed us to socialize.

But I cannot ignore that the hardships of life were not kept from me as I got older. Not intentionally, but things happen. Some I learned as they directly affected me in my life but others I also witnessed as they affected others.

I was maybe ten when I learned a family member was adopted. She didn’t know and I am not sure if she even knows today. But I was told it was a secret and that her parents wanted to keep that from her.

I later learned the story of my cousin and her grandmother. I learned that she called her “mom” because she raised her. Her father was in another country. My cousin was told that her mother left her when she was a child and her dad could not take her with him  because of the paperwork. The reality, however, was that her grandma took her from her mother and did not allow her to see her and her father moved to ignore his responsibilities as a father.

My father cheated on my mother when I was fourteen. My mother found out she was pregnant soon after, with his child of course, but in an effort to make his big mistake less terrible, my father paid for a DNA test to confirm the baby was his. Whether it was for attention or whether he really thought he could prove my mom was unfaithful as well, I don’t know.

When my beautiful sister was born, my mom did not have the luxury to stay at home and care for her. So I did, along with my other sister.

I’ve had my share of adversity, and although it caused me great suffering, I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Because I am a better person because of it. These experiences shaped who I am and who I will become. I am someone attuned to a sometimes painful reality and not ignorant to what life is about. I have grown as a person when dealing with it. I am not scornful, or angry, or resentful, and I should be. But, like I said, I am a better person.

So then my boss says these are adult problems. And I should have nothing to do with them, that I should ignore the struggles of my family, even though they affect my family.

But on the other hand, I can’t help but wonder how easier it would have been to not have to deal with everything. After all, ignorance truly is bliss.

So the big question that rose from all this is how will I raise my children? Will I keep them from witnessing, experiencing, or enduring hardships in exchange for the ignorant happiness of childhood innocence?

Parents nowadays seem to go for the extremes: either an extremely privileged life for their children or one where “adult problems” become their children’s problems as well.

I think I’ll go for the balance. Although hardships teach wisdom, humility, and acceptance, too much adversity results in a pretty tragic lifestyle. And there’s no surprise that a privileged life is one disconnected from reality. You have to keep it real.

This does not mean I will vent to my children of the difficulties I will go through, but it will be no secret. I will not shun them from what life may take away or throw at us because these experiences are for growth and learning. But I will not shun them from what life can offer either. Because above all, life is to be enjoyed.

122 comments on “How Will I Raise My Children?

  1. Aichaa
    December 16, 2012

    It has given me hope, that there are people in the world who face things like I do, think the way I do. I hav seen hardships sinc my childhood, to present. And what I think about how i’d raise my children? I think I wont hav children at all, if i am to become a parent like tht, I’d prefer not having children at all.

    • Aichaa
      December 16, 2012

      by “parent like that” i mean parent that i have seen who act immature and give a hard life to their children for no reason.Like making them eat the food they like, do as they say, opt profession of their choice ……

    • The Cultural Columnist
      December 18, 2012

      I’m glad you were able to relate to my post. I hope you don’t go that extreme of deciding to not become a parent, if having children is something you want, for the only reason of not wanting to fail as one. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders and I don’t think becoming “a parent like that” is an issue for you. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  2. wardph
    December 16, 2012

    I dont think you have any choice in it……..your destiny has been carved. You have already decided how you will bring your children up. Fantastically! We all learn from our past and it is clear that you have learnt better than most. Good Luck and God Bless.

  3. kkayser
    December 17, 2012

    I don’t know

  4. SylviaHubbard1
    December 17, 2012

    Reblogged this on Motown Mom Musings.

  5. gnovember
    December 17, 2012

    Thanks for sharing a very personal story but also the lessons you learnt that do strike a cord with me too.

  6. Chicago Jill
    December 17, 2012

    Keep writing! Great blog!

  7. jppalacios12
    December 18, 2012

    Besides the fact that this post was EXCELLENTLY written, I love the message. I think hardships are what makes us better people. I feel like I was given the “Balance” in life. My family had a lot of hardships as well, but I was never forced into them so much. I was never sheltered, though, and I was able to witness the fact that life is hard. But it is also beautiful. I love my parents, and I am blessed and grateful to have them in my life. Thank you!

    • The Cultural Columnist
      December 18, 2012

      My thoughts exactly! I was also given the balance and I also view life as beautiful, because I learned from my experiences. Thanks so much for reading!

  8. moodsnmoments
    January 31, 2013

    such a heartful post!!! thanks!

  9. serialadopter
    February 21, 2013

    As a mom raising kids, some of whom came from some hard places, it sounds to me like you will strike a good balance. We can’t protect our kids from everything, but we don’t have to expose them to everything either. Great posting.

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December 2012



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